backhaul latency
Third-party modifications to TETR.IO are not supported by the TETR.IO team and may have compatibility, performance and safety issues.
Do not report any issues while using third-party modifications. Modifications that alter gameplay are strictly forbidden.
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an error has occured when trying to load TETR.IO. this usually means your browser does not support TETR.IO.
we support the following browsers:
• CHROME 83 and up
• FIREFOX 74 and up
• EDGE 83 and up
• OPERA 83 and up
using TETR.IO desktop? this usually means something's very wrong (usually at TETR.IO's side). hit the button below to reload.
it seems WEBGL is disabled in your browser. WEBGL is required for the game to render properly.
please check your browser settings to ensure HARDWARE ACCELERATION is enabled in your browser, then try again. if that doesn't work, try upgrading your browser.
TETR.IO DESKTOP is automatically set up to bring the smoothest experience, with far better performance and less setup hassle. install it with the button below!
already on desktop? you may need to restart your device.
if you believe you were banned in error, contact support
if you believe you were banned in error, contact support
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puzzle together in this modern yet familiar online stacker. play against friends and foes all over the world, or claim a spot on the leaderboards - the stacker future is yours!
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to register, please choose a password for yourself
the username is registered. please enter your password to log in
if you have an email address associated with your account, you can reset your password by entering your email.
TETR.IO has a policy of one account per person (anonymous accounts excluded). making multiple accounts may result in permanent restriction of all your accounts.
read the full policy for more info. in doubt, or if you believe your usage of a second account is justified, please contact support.
use your authenticator app to get a six-digit code, or use one of your recovery codes.
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you're certain you want to delete your account? you will lose EVERYTHING, including but not limited to...
• all your replays
• all your XP
• all your accomplishments
• all your badges
• your TETRA LEAGUE rank
• and more...
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you're absolutely, 100% certain you won't regret DELETING YOUR ACCOUNT FOREVER?
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The match will be declared No Contest.
No player will be penalized, no player will gain or lose TR.